Friday, July 3, 2015

Did Someone Say it is July? Say What? No Way!


July is an awesome month. Why you ask? Well it is my birthday month so naturally it would be awesome! I am shocked by how fast the year has gone. I can't believe that the year is half over. It is unbelievable. I am a person that is motivated by lists. Everything has to be written down because I either forget about it or don't feel like doing it. If my whole life could be a checklist, that would be wonderful. I know that is not possible and that it puts way too much pressure on myself but at least I would know what I was supposed to being doing when I am supposed to be doing it. It would be a nice guideline to life at least. I am going to try to be a little more organized and what better time to be positive and get my act in gear than July, my birthday month. So here I go!

2 Challenges

During the month of July, I have challenged myself with two challenges. Usually when I think of challenges it is in the middle of the month and then by the time the beginning of the next month roles around I forget all about it (insert failed ab, squat, pushup, cleaning challenge, etc...). I am excited that I came up with both of these challenges at the beginning of the month and hopefully I can see them through!

Challenge #1

The first challenge is to spend 20 minutes a day on an area of the house in hopes to eventually get it all put together. I actually started this challenge earlier than the 1st and have been very pleased with the results. Depending on how I am doing on my regular cleaning of the house, I might have to alter the task for each day but I am very hopeful that this will help me get things together. I am sick of the house just being so unorganized and cluttered. Here is to creating a good habit and feeling better about myself and also not going crazy living in my house. 

Challenge #2

The second challenge is to make a post everyday on Facebook about how I am using the Essential Oils that are in Young Living's Premium Starter Kit. I have been using Young Living Essential Oils since March and have been completely obsessed with them and what all I can use them for. The Premium Starter Kit is a great value and it does a really good job at showcasing the versatility of the oils that Young Living offers. I love these oils and I am excited to share my love with anyone that will listen to me. Make sure to check my Facebook page for a daily post to see what I am crazy about that day.

Happy July to everyone! It is my favorite month (for obvious reasons)! I hope everyone can enjoy it!

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