Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Blogging...what is it really all about?

I wanted to start blogging at the beginning of my senior year. I had so many feelings and things going on that I wanted a way to express myself and organize it all. Well if you haven't already figured it out...that was two years ago!!! So here I am at 3am, almost two years later finally starting a blog because once again, I am all over the place. I have been inspired by reading my friend Jaklyn Cato's blog to once again attempt this whole blog writing thing. I have been really encouraged by listening to her thoughts and love hearing about what is going on in her life, especially since she is so far away now. I don't know if she feels this way but I feel like she is holding herself (and her husband) accountable by being vulnerable. I really respect that. Accountability is something I need and I hope that this blog can help me to achieve it.

I am hoping this blog with help me to achieve a few things.

1. Help me to take more pictures and keep everyone updated in all things Harper. ( I feel like a terrible mom/person for not updating people on what is new with her).

2. Help me to organize my thoughts better and remember things better! ( I always come up with great ideas/things before bed but once I wake up they all disappear.)

3. Help me to be accountable. Not just with my walk with God but with other things. Like exercise and eating right/cooking at home. I want to grow and have others help me to grow.

4. And hopefully encourage someone else to achieve something they want to achieve. (I guess you can say that I want to pay it forward...does that even apply to this? Did I use that incorrectly? Oh's my blog and I can do what I want, do what I want.)

Sorry for the cheesiness. I can't help brain is like a nonstop thing and I love just writing exactly what I am thinking. I happen to think I am hilarious so sorry if you don't think I am. You have my permission to not read my blog. =) I promise that I won't get too personal (at least I think) and spill my guts out.

I guess that is all for my first post.


  1. i think you are WONDERFULLY HILARIOUS! and for the record, I think it's a great idea! :)

  2. I love this! So excited to keep up with you :) Can't wait to hear more! Love ya

  3. I find this so ironic because she despised writing during your school years...LOL Proud of you sissy!
