Sunday, August 2, 2015


This pregnancy is so different from my last pregnancy in so many ways. I am dropping everything under the what is wrong with me that I can't hold onto anything! I know I am clumsy but I have reached all new levels. This baby hardly ever moves compared to the very active Harper in womb. I often wonder if the baby is ok or even in there. I pee a little every time I bend over, sit down, cough or sneeze. BOO!!! We haven't really discussed baby names yet. Like if I had this baby tomorrow it might not have a name for like a week. I have also been surprisingly less stressed. I was a basket case with Harper but I seem to be a little more put together this time which is greatly appreciated. It is amazing how much you don't do months in advance when it is your second child/pregnancy. With Harper I wanted to make sure I had everything we needed. This time I know that I have everything because I don't think we have gotten rid of anything. The problem is getting out what I need beforehand so that I don't stress myself out when the baby finally arrives. So if anyone has any suggestions or reminders...throw them at me!! Remember, I work best at lists so let me know what I need done so I can add it to my list =)

In so many ways this pregnancy is the same. I still have pregnancy brain. I am still craving and eating everything under the sun. I have unfortunately gained more weight than I wanted. I am the most pregnant during the hottest months of the year. I have become miserable in my last month because I am so big. My belly is so low that none of my shirts are long enough and I refuse to wear size large t-shirts because they are so big on top. I am also just as nervous about labor and delivery. With a month left, I am also ready to "get it over with" so to speak. I am anxious for my little bundle of joy and to begin the process of learning a new routine with a family of four. Let's get this show on the road.

As we are nearing the end with about a month to go, I realize that there is still so much that I haven't done. I am going to be posting my to-do list so that I know what I still need to do and so I know where to reference my list. I will be checking off or adding to it as needed so stay tuned!

Check List

Pack my hospital bag
Pack babies hospital bag
Put up pack in play
Deep Clean Master Bedroom
Get down car seat and stroller
Clean car seat and stroller
Install car sear into car
Discuss possible baby names
Write Birth Plan
Finalize what essential oils I want to bring
Get down newborn - 0-3 months clothes
Wash gender neutral newborn - 0-3 months clothes
Find pack and play sheets
Wash pack and play sheets
Find bottles
Wash bottles
Find breast pump
Wash breast pump parts
Plan Harper's Birthday Party

Here is to the month of August flying by and our little Linnell 2.0 getting here before we know it!!

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